(205) 940-2233


We helped recover in a fatal driving accident case.


We helped recover for a Hispanic family in a case of a defective product.


In one settlement, a Hispanic family received $5,000,000.


A Hispanic client received for a frontal collision.

While busses are a popular means of transportation, they are also a common cause of injuries. If a bus accident caused your injury, you could be entitled to compensation. An experienced attorney could help you get the compensation you need for all of your injuries and damages. Reach out to a Birmingham bus accident attorney to discuss your legal rights and options. En español

Plaintiff’s Role in the Bus Accident Lawsuit

Filing a lawsuit may seem like an intimidating process. However, with a Birmingham attorney, the plaintiff will have minimal exposure to the bus accident litigation.

What is Discovery?

After hiring an attorney and filing the lawsuit, the plaintiff will have to answer the defendant’s written discovery questions. Discovery questions are the defense attorney’s way of getting information about the accident and the plaintiff’s injuries. The plaintiff’s attorney will help walk the plaintiff through the process and answer any questions the plaintiff may have.

After the written discovery is done, the defendant has a right to take a plaintiff’s deposition. The plaintiff has the right for their attorney to be present for the deposition.

Settlement or Trial

Once the discovery phase is over, the plaintiff’s in-depth involvement is substantially over until mediation or trial. The plaintiff may have to testify about the accident, their injuries, medical treatment, and the impact of the injuries on their life.

When it comes to settlement, the plaintiff is not involved in the discussions with the other attorney. All offers the defendant makes must be communicated to the plaintiff by their counsel, and the plaintiff determines whether to accept or reject the offer.

Causes of Bus Accident Injuries

Injuries sustained in bus accidents are not limited to the bus colliding with another vehicle or striking a pedestrian. Bus accidents also involve conditions inside the bus that impact the passengers. Regardless of the cause of the bus accident, a Birmingham attorney could help the plaintiff recover for their injuries.

Bus Accidents with Other Vehicles and Pedestrians

The law requires drivers to drive in a manner that avoids causing harm to others. When the driver breaches their duty, they are responsible for injuries arising out of their actions.

A driver who breaches can breach this duty in various ways. Some ways a driver operates their vehicle irresponsibly include:

  • Running stop lights and signs
  • Failing to keep a proper lookout
  • Talking or texting on their phone
  • Speeding

How Can Bus Passengers Suffer Injuries?

Bus passengers can become injured even when there is no accident. Bus passengers are at risk of falling on the bus or even being struck by luggage. A bus driver and company must keep their passengers safe from harm. This includes fixing any defective or dangerous conditions on the inside of the bus. Some defective conditions include unsafe seating, defective luggage storage, and dangerous flooring conditions that cause slip and falls.

Hire a Birmingham Bus Accident Attorney Today

If you are injured in a bus accident, find a Birmingham bus accident lawyer to help with your case. A skilled attorney will improve the chance of your lawsuit succeeding.

Our law firm has skilled attorneys ready to help make a difference in your case. For help holding the defendant responsible, contact our firm today.

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What can a personal injury lawyer do for me?

In Alabama a personal injury claim or lawsuit must be filed within two years of the accident. In other words, if someone was injured on November 30, 2020, the deadline to file your personal injury claim or lawsuit is November 30, 2022.

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