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Consequences of Crashing and Running away

Car accident

Crashing and running away can have serious consequences. If you have ever had the experience of being hit by another driver and fleeing, or that, apart from the blow, has caused personal injury, you will understand that, despite being an unpleasant event, it can become more painful. Typically, panic about not having a driver’s license, not having insurance, or driving while intoxicated, can cause the driver who caused the accident to flee.

Crash and run away occurs when a driver involved in a vehicle accident simply leaves the scene without waiting for the police to arrive or without exchanging information with the other driver (s) involved. Each state has its own regulations when these events occur, but most establish specific laws which contain obligations that must be complied with by drivers under penalty of incurring in violation of them.

Crashing and running away can not only cause injury or death to a person, but also damage public or private property.

Although every state provides for crashes and escapes, what to do after an accident is to stay on site. It is important to exchange information with other drivers and if there is damage to private property, where no one is present, take as much information as possible and contact the owner as soon as possible, and without a doubt report the incident to the police since in some places, simply not doing so could constitute a crime. If injured, assistance should be provided or emergency services called immediately.

Crashing and running away could lead to criminal charges for the conduct, and these penalties can include fines, and suspension or revocation of a driver’s license. It could also be that if there is minimal damage to the property, it is considered a misdemeanor. IF injury or death occurs, the consequences are more serious.

Not only criminal consequences must be considered, civil liability must also be taken into account. Here we are talking about compensation for actual damages of the victim, such as injuries and consequential damages, such as lost wages, mental anguish, to name just a few, and punitive damages are added to this.

Whenever an accident occurs, as a general rule you should call the police and then your lawyer. If you flee the accident site, contact a legal professional immediately. A lawyer is trained to advise you on your obligations and to accompany you in the process and protect your interests and rights that assist you.

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