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A teenager must drive safely

A teenager must drive safely

A teenager must drive safely. The fact of teaching them to drive carries responsibilities to protect them in this risky activity, such as driving a vehicle. Acquiring a policy to protect them in the event of an accident is crucial, but educating them on how to drive is priceless.

Unfortunately, drivers with the age range between 16 and 19 years of age are more likely to suffer a vehicle accident and therefore guide their children about driving with caution, and taking the necessary measures is a task that parents must do.

Teach children about risks

On many occasions, young people think that they may have the answers to the risks involved in driving, or parents may avoid giving these advice, but it is always better to sin excessively. Teach them the risks of driving, as a word could be valuable. Many answers may be simple, but can be ignored by a young driver. It is not necessary to emphasize the frequent causes of an accident:

Driving while intoxicated, as one fifth of teenage accidents involve alcohol.

Likewise, how delicate speeding can be, since a third of accidents are due to speeding.

Driving with passengers increases distraction, and may cause the driver to hit another vehicle.

The non-use of a seat belt causes more than half of the deaths in accidents.

Avoid distractions to pick something up, eat or text. One in ten drivers dies because they were distracted while driving.

Practice while driving

Guide not only by word. When it comes to driving, you can do the following

– Accompany him while the young man drives and show him that he must be attentive.

– Discuss, for example, how to deal with situations where there is darkness, poor visibility, or rain.

– Teach him how to act if he must carry many passengers, or if he must drive too long.

Instruction and teaching about road hazards can save a life.

And the insurance responds in accidents of minors?

Regarding insurance generally,

There is no coverage if the vehicle owner does not authorize the driver to take the vehicle. The owner could claim that the vehicle was stolen.

If the parents authorized the act, then there should be coverage. If the minor accidentally hits the car, etc., there must be coverage.

If the minor steals the car, there is probably no coverage.

As it is, parents of 16-year-olds in Alabama MUST add their teen drivers to policies for coverage to be available to them. If they DO NOT add the teen 16 years or older, there will be NO coverage.

It is always best to contact an attorney in the event of an accident involving a teenager.


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